Is there any way to lose fat without going to the gym?

Arushi Agarwal
Jan 31, 2024 08:48 AM 1 Answers Health and Fitness
Member Since Jan 2024
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Give me some solution on how to reduce my fat without going to the gym.

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1 Answers
Best Answer
Arushi Agarwal
Aug 29, 2024

"You want to lose weight without going to the gym. Here are some easy-to-follow activities that can help you lose weight.

Start your meal with protein
Watch your portion sizes
Use smaller plates for high-calorie foods
Eat metabolism-boosting foods such as green tea, ginger, chilies, etc.
Eat more protein
reduce added sugar
Consider testing your caffeine tolerance
Create a Symptom and Food Log
Avoid sugary beverages like soda or juice
Count and lower your daily calorie intake
Drink enough water before each meal
Avoid junk food and highly processed foods completely
Try intermittent fasting
Eat without distractions such as the phone, tv, etc.
Have black coffee before exercising for an energy boost
Go for low-fat dairy products
Go for low-calorie alcohol
Exercise at home
Get enough sleep for 7-8 hours

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