What’s the spicy questions to ask your boyfriend?

Arushi Agarwal
Jun 22, 2024 12:13 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2024
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One spicy question you could ask your boyfriend is about his wildest dreams and aspirations. This can lead to a revealing conversation about his goals, desires, and what he envisions for his future. By discussing his dreams, you can gain insight into what motivates him and what he values most in life. This question can spark a passionate dialogue that allows you to connect on a deeper level and understand each other better.

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Edit Sep 09, 2024

Asking spicy questions can add excitement and intimacy to your relationship. Here are some spicy questions to ask your boyfriend:

What's your favorite fantasy that you have't told me about yet?

If you could choose any place for us to be intimate, where would it be?

What's one thing I do that drives you wild?

What's the naughtiest thought you ever had about me?

Do you have a favorite type of lingerie you like to see me in?

How do you feel about trying out role-play?

If you interested, what scenario would you like?

What's the most adventurous thing you like to try in bed?

Do you enjoy talking dirty, and what do you like to hear?

What's your favorite way to be touched or kissed?

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