What is the difference between Desi Cow Milk and Buffalo Milk?

Arushi Agarwal
Feb 23, 2024 07:09 AM 1 Answers Food and Drink
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What is the difference between Desi Cow Milk and Buffalo Milk?

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Edit Sep 07, 2024

Desi cow milk and buffalo milk differ in various aspects, impacting their nutritional composition, taste, and suitability for different purposes:

Fat Content: Buffalo milk generally contains a higher fat content compared to desi cow milk. This higher fat content contributes to its creamier texture and richer taste.

Protein Content: Desi cow milk tends to have a higher protein content than buffalo milk. The protein in cow's milk is often considered more digestible and is a good source of essential amino acids.

Calcium and Phosphorus: Both milks are good sources of calcium, crucial for bone health. However, buffalo milk has a higher calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, promoting better absorption of calcium.

A2 Beta-casein: Desi cow milk is often promoted for its higher A2 beta-casein protein content, believed to be more easily digestible and less likely to cause allergic reactions compared to the A1 beta-casein found in buffalo milk.

Digestibility: Buffalo milk is known for its thicker consistency and higher fat content, making it heavier and potentially more difficult to digest for some individuals, while desi cow milk is generally lighter.

Cost: Buffalo milk is often more economical than desi cow milk due to higher milk yield from buffaloes.

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